How can Foreigners Drive Safely in Thailand - A Complete Guide
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How can Foreigners Drive Safely in Thailand - A Complete Guide

How to Drive Safely in Thailand -

Anybody on a long or short-term stay would like to drive their own or rented vehicle in Thailand. You will feel amazed while driving between the zigzag mountains roads or on the coastal Highways of Thailand. However, there are always risks of getting caught in horrific accidents as you might have known that Thailand tops amongst countries for not observing traffic rules.

Record traffic deaths especially on Public holidays won't deter you to drive in Thailand as long as you follow proper rules and safety precautions on the road. There is a common saying "Consider everybody on the road an idiot". The best way to drive on Thailand Roads is to sense other drivers' intentions and by observing Traffic Rules and Regulations.

This Guide/Checklist Foreigners must know before planning to drive safely in Thailand on Car or Motorbike. So let's get started:

Table of Contents(toc)

Carry your Driving Licence is a Must

A driving License is compulsory whether you are driving in Thailand or any other country. It safeguards you from much trouble in case of an accident. Tourists can use their International Driving License to drive in Thailand but only for 03 Months. However, it is suggested for Expats and Long Term Visa Holders apply for Thailand Driving Licence. If caught without a Driver's Licence you won't go away without paying a penalty fee. 

Always Check your Vehicle before your Drive

Unfortunately, many locals don't care much if their front, indicators or brake lights aren't working or if vehicles coughing smoke and creating environmental pollution. Every civilized person local or foreigner would always take care of their vehicles as these could avoid any major accidents. Get your vehicle periodically checked and make sure you always carry a basic toolkit and spares for any long journey.

Never forget Insurance Documents

Insurance documents are your lifeline just in case you get involved in any major or minor accident either on Road or Off-road. You must have heard a Foreigner met an accident and the medical bills exceeded the total Insurance Cover. Comprehensive Insurance would cover your Accidents as well as any major illness in Thailand. Make sure your Insurance Documents are updated before you plan to travel to Thailand.

Driving in Thailand is Left-Hand Side

In Thailand, you can only Drive on the left-hand side, just like in the United Kingdom. And your steering is going to be on the right-hand side. Interestingly while driving on the left of the road you are going to see many mopeds or scooters driving against the road for shortcuts like Uturn, so be very careful even though it's their fault but in case of any mishap is going to cost you time and money if the other party does not have valid 3rd party Insurance.

Must know the Speed Limits

There are speed limit signs in readable in English displayed on the majority of roads. There are two major types of roads. Toll/Motorway where you have to pay Toll Fees and can easily travel from one corner of Bangkok to another. Otherwise, it could take sometimes 2-3 hours in busy times. The maximum allowed speed on the Toll/Motorway is 120 Km/h. Use the top lane for crossing only. Speed on General Purpose Roads depends upon its location, likewise near the hospital or school sign clearly tells to decrease speed to 30 km/h. Normally you can travel between 60-80 Km/h.

Thailand Road conditions

General Purpose Roads are not that good as compared to that Toll/Motorways. In many places, you are going to see repair works going on after the Rainy season thus creating a lot of traffic jams. While driving you are going to find many uneven patches on the roads and driving faster could lead to an accident. Driving slowly on such roads is always better.

Changing Lanes

You will see drivers in Thailand change lanes without giving an indication. And with a blink of an eye, once they see a gap in front of your car, they will just switch over. Sometimes you hard brake to avoid an accident. You cannot stop others. However, just be prepared to avoid any accidents and remain cool. You are not welcome by other Drivers in Thailand if you want to change lanes. However, give a proper indicator signal well in advance and see for the gap and check the rear mirror before switching lanes.

Always Keep a distance from the vehicle ahead

The general rule of thumb is that you should have at least a 03-second window in case of the vehicle braking ahead. I know it sounds silly while driving in Thailand, especially in Bangkok where vehicles move along bumper to bumper. But to avoid any road chain accident, it's always better to keep a distance once you are moving at 80km/hour. While driving in the countryside, be careful of the animals coming in quick contact with the vehicle.  

Stop at Zebra Crossing for Pedestrians

In Thailand, 90% of traffic does not bother to stop at Zebra Crossing and there were loads of accidents that happened in the past. Drivers in Thailand don't value the life of pedestrians and that is why there are so many accidents reported. Recently an Eye Specialist got killed by a Policeman on the Motorbike. Watch for the people at Zebra Crossing while driving and start slowing your vehicle otherwise the rear car might hit you in case of braking hard.

Using Mobile Phones while driving

Another major cause of Road Accidents in Thailand is using a mobile phone while driving. As you must have assessed that driving conditions are not so friendly for foreigners in Thailand. And it can cause distraction as well as a timely response to any avoidable situation caused due to other drivers. Some of the foreigners using MobilePhone and were caught on camera while driving on the Motorway were sent a 1000 Baht Ticket at the vehicle registered address. 

Wearing Seat Belts could save your Life

A long time back the Examiner who took my driving test in the UK told me once you sit in a car, the first thing you must do is wear a seat belt. And said don't ever forget this rule. A seat belt helps you minimize the impact of the steering wheel/window on your body. Make it your rule especially in Thailand to check, maintain and wear a seat belt while driving. 

Keep a vigilant eye all around while driving

While keeping an eye all around your vehicle is not possible. But train yourself by watching side and back mirrors while changing lanes or even stopping for pedestrian crossing. You can't just the psyche of another driver on the road, however, you can always drive slowly. It would help you keep safe. Motorbikes come at a speed most of the time and they damn care about your indicator to change lanes. So let them pass and then change lanes.  

Don't Drive after an Alcohol consumption

Drink, Drive and Die. Well, you don't want to be a part of it. Public holidays are mostly blamed for many accidents as drivers tend to party and drink. The maximum legal alcohol consumption limit at 0.5 grams per litre of blood. And cops are happy to penalize drivers on such occasions. Moreover, your safety is more important. It's better to call a Taxi and go back to Hotel or let others drive.

Keep cool at all times

This is the most important point of all, road rage in Thailand is very common. Remember this is not your country provided if you get lucky to become a Thailand Citizen. In case of Road Accidents or any emergency, things could go out of control unless you have a backup plan or resources enough to support yourself. Be polite and keep cool in case of any situation. As it would minimize the ongoing issue if it is with any Thai. 


Foreigners have been Driving on Thailand Roads for decades. And the percentage of having an accident is still very less. But that does not mean you shouldn't be careful. Lastly always carry an emergency number of a relative, friend or a local Thai just incase you get in any sort of trouble.


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  1. Can you tell me about how to Apply for Thailand Driving License?

    1. Good Question. I will post article about Thailand Driving License soon. Cheers
