Thailand Government Ensures Utility Bills Stay Below B4.20 per Unit
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Thailand Government Ensures Utility Bills Stay Below B4.20 per Unit

Thailand Electricity Prices wont be changed


The Energy Ministry is providing assurance to the public, affirming that the upcoming power tariff adjustments for households will not surpass 4.20 baht per unit. Additionally, the ministry is actively seeking budgetary measures to support vulnerable groups in managing their utility bills effectively.

According to Prasert Sinsukprasert, the ministry's permanent secretary, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) recently made a decision to increase the new fuel tariff (Ft) rate to 0.8955 baht per unit for the period of January to April next year. This adjustment is anticipated to result in a rise of 4.68 baht per unit in energy bills.

The augmented Ft rate is attributed to the escalation in fuel costs and the necessity to settle outstanding debts with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat), a measure taken to uphold liquidity in the energy sector.

Mr. Prasert explained that the primary contributor to increased fuel costs is natural gas, the prices of which are subject to fluctuations influenced by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The conflict has disrupted Russia's natural gas exports, impacting global gas prices. Concurrently, heightened demand for natural gas in Western nations during winter contributes to the overall surge in prices.

Furthermore, the transition to a new natural gas concessionaire in the Gulf of Thailand has led to a reduction in domestic natural gas production capacity, consequently necessitating increased fuel imports. The ministry anticipates a return to normal natural gas production capacity by April.

In navigating these changes, the Energy Ministry remains committed to ensuring fair utility bills costs and actively seeks solutions to alleviate the financial burden on specific demographic groups grappling with rising energy bills.


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